-- ============================================= -- Author: Asghar Panahy -- Create date: 28-Feb-2013 -- Description: Zoekt objecten binnen bereik van gegeven punt -- ============================================= ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[BereikbareObjecten] -- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here @orig_lat REAL , @orig_lng REAL, @binnenMeter integer AS BEGIN -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from -- interfering with SELECT statements. SET NOCOUNT ON; --------------------------------------------------------- -- Select your SRID wisely. Don't follow me. -- select * from sys.spatial_reference_systems -- where spatial_reference_id in (4937, 4258, 4326, 4269) DECLARE @SRID as int = 4326; --------------------------------------------------------- DECLARE @orig geography; SET @orig = geography::Point(@orig_lat, @orig_lng, @SRID); SELECT *,CONVERT(INT, @orig.STDistance( geography::Point([object].[Latitude], [object].[Longitude], @SRID))) As [Distance] INTO #MyTempTable FROM [Object] SELECT * FROM #MyTempTable WHERE [Distance] <= @binnenMeter ORDER BY [Distance] END
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Finds Close Points by Distance
In this example I am trying to find the distance between the locations in a table and a given point. When I found the distance I will return thee result filtered by a allegible distance.
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